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Youth Center in Memory of Adir Tahar Z'l

The “Adir Bamarom” initiative is named after sergeant Adir Tahar, an IDF soldier from the Golani brigade who died courageously defending the Erez crossing during the October 7th attack. Adir served as a sniper and was able to target multiple terrorists, saving many lives on the fateful day.

To commemorate Adir we are establishing a center for at-risk youth, with the objective of helping them avoid a life of crime and fostering productive members of society with positive and spiritual aspirations. This was Adir’s way and legacy – offering a helping hand to the weaker folk around him. At the same time, we have begun writing a Torah scroll in his memory, and God willing we will be able to continue his legacy.

Interview with Jake Tapper on CNN

Interview with “The Patriots” on Channel 14